Monday, January 14, 2008

The Printz Winner

Yes! The White Darkness has won the Michael L. Printz award this year! Scroll down a few entries and you will see my extremely enthusiastic blog about this incredible book. I am so pleased to see it get the credit it is due. I wrote previously that I thought The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian would snag the award (which is the highest American honor for teen literature, just in case ya didn't know) but after I read The White Darkness, I changed my mind. Go read it!

I am also thrilled to see that two other books I blogged about won honors: Your Own, Sylvia and Repossessed.

The two other honors I have not yet read. They are Dreamquake: Book Two of the Dreamhunter Duet by Elizabeth Knox and One Whole and Perfect Day by Judith Clarke.

Go forth and read!

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