Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It's all about Style

I love looking at the new books. I think everyone has figured that one out based on my reviews. One of my favorite things to browse is the new nonfiction titles--which is odd since I don't typically read nonfiction at all. Today we got in Seventeen Ultimate Guide to Style: How to Find your Perfect Look. Style guides intrigue me. Most of the time, I only like a handful of the pages and feel that the author misses out on most of the teen audience and only works with the "model-like" teens. Not this time! This guide breaks down into six different styles: which one are you? Girly, Edgy, Boho, Classic, Glam, and Indie. Within each group, there are photos of must-have pieces; what to wear with the essential pieces; a young adult who fits this style and how they live the style; then it highlights a celebrity with that look; and the section ends with stores that fit your look. The book ends with an accessories guide and a guide to finding your best fit based on your body type for jeans, swimsuits, and more.

My look? classic --which I always called boring, but looking at these photos it's anything but! I'll have to update my wardrobe--thanks Seventeeen!

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